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Not booked your hotel yet? Hotel not listed? Staying with a friend/family?
Don't worry, you can give us that information when you add this item to your cart.
Meeting point: Piazza del Risorgimento - at Bar Caffetteria L’Ottagono - 15 minutes before the start of your tour (please look for the I Love Rome logo carried by our staff).
Be ready 45 minutes before departure in the hotel lobby (60 minutes for non-central hotels).
Contact reception or our booking office for service feasibility/coverage verification information. If you don’t find your hotel in the list, please select the meeting point option and go to the designated location.
Identification: Please ensure you have a valid ID/passport, as it will be mandatory to bring on the tour day. You might be refused entry otherwise.
Gray Line - I Love Rome office:
Via Leone IV, 33 (6:30 AM – 6:30 PM 365 days)
[email protected]
0039 06 474 2501 / 0039 348 8112027 (Whatsapp only)
(November to March, Monday to Saturday, 6:30 AM – 7:00 PM & Sunday 6:30 AM – 8:15 PM
April to October, every day, 6:30 AM – 9:00 PM)