‘Made in Italy’ quality certification for I Love Rome City Tours
Laura La Polla, I Love Rome City Tour Operations and Commercial Director, shares great news that will certainly soar everyone’s morale at Gray Line Rome
Despite a peculiar 2020, Gray Line I Love Rome City Tours saw its efforts paid off just a few days ago. Laura La Polla explained back in November how much courage it took to re-open after the lockdown and what a challenge it was.

Laura, what’s new at the company?
We’re working hard for a new re-start! We’re launching new products and we never stopped motivating our employees with new inputs, and vice versa. We’re touching with our own hands the company’s efforts to keep going and everyone’s desire to go back to normality… Magic is created when this meets our guests’ satisfaction.
We’ve implemented new operations and strategies as well as analytics procedures in order to face the challenges of a changed world; however, our team stays the same.
In this context, we just received a very important award that is a recognition of everyone’s hard work. We couldn’t have started the new year better! The award, in the form of a certification and a plaque, comes from Eccellenze Italiane. Our President, Mr Delfini, made himself available for a little photo shoot while he’s holding the beautiful plaque Eccellenze Italiane sent us.
It sounds thrilling! Congratulations for this recognition! Did you see it coming?
Yes, thrilling indeed! It’s not like you get a phone call everyday announcing that you won an award after a whole year of travel restrictions and very few tourists reaching our destination. I Love Rome City Tour is actually the first Hop on Hop off operator that can boast this recognition in the Made in Italy network.
Can you tell us something about Eccellenze Italiane?
Eccellenze Italiane is an Italian company whose mission is identifying and safeguarding “Made in Italy” brands that operate in Italy and abroad. The recognition comes after a series of positive reactions and reviews stormed in at the editorial staff’s desks of Eccellenze Italiane, whose management deemed I Love Rome City Tour eligible for the certification.
What is excellence for you?
Excellence is passion and a leading approach to what we do. This excellence recognition is a great result I humbly think we deserved! 2020 was a peculiar year and a challenge for us all, in terms of management, operations, as well as bringing new ideas and strategies to the table while we were intent to keep the quality of our services intact despite the coronavirus emergency and the safety protocols we had to adhere to. In this context, we really are proud of the customer care safety measures we implemented quickly, that made the company more resilient and responsive.
Considering we’re talking about public transport, we did achieve a lot!

Gray Line Rome President Mr Delfini with the plaque and Hop on Hop off staff
Ok, one last trivial question, out of curiosity: where will you keep the certification and plaque?
Actually a good point! Well, first of all we’ll frame the certification. Then, we will certainly display both the certification and the plaque in the main office where everyone will see them. I’m sure this will contribute to motivating each employee on a daily basis when they look at the awards, and this will translate into a renewed enthusiasm during each service. No doubt our guests will sense the passion, professionalism, dynamism and effort we put to deliver the best experience possible.

Mario Trimarchi – Copywriter & Content Editor for Gray Line Rome
Mario has a degree in foreign language with a major in translation. He’s worked in the tourist industry for a decade.